Post factum is an independent media and education company.

We publish data-driven reports on long-term trends that shape global affairs.


I want to briefly write about the problems that Post factum is founded to solve and the values that drive us forward.

There is a major conflict between speed and quality of reporting in modern news journalism, stretching media to their limits.

At Post factum we make time work for us by focusing on long-term trends and data-driven insights.

The over-abundance of news wastes attention minutes, pollutes information with opinions and creates contradictions.

We cannot make the endless barrage of valueless news stop.

But we can focus on key pieces of information that provide valuable insight for our readers.

We believe that deep understanding comes from carefully selecting reliable high-quality information.

Post factum paints a picture of the world today as shaped by major trends of the recent past.

Our weekly report focuses on a particular event or phenomenon that sparked popular debate and had lasting global consequences.

Our goal is being the best destination for educating yourself on long-term global affairs.

To complement this, we want to help our readers navigate the confusion of the rest of the media space.

All our reports carry a theme of reflecting on media narratives of past and present.

We are also working on Reader’s Toolkit - a set of educational materials on sourcing information, news bias, fact-checking, media organisations, interpreting data and more.

At the time of writing, we are only beginning to publish our stuff.

If you are excited by our journey, please consider subscribing to our emailing list below to receive our work first and directly.

We are incredibly interested in anything you have to say about Post factum and what you want us to be.

Please, do not hesitate to leave a message below or reach out to me directly at

Anton Kutuzov

Founding Editor